Monday, December 18, 2006

Some of the stupidest things that I have done recently ...

Well, to be frank that will be an endless list ... I dont think I would even want to think of all those things!!

The most dumb thing I have done recently is what I want to write about now ... this will decide how my life will be in the next few years I guess - that is finanically. I may have to file for bankruptcy though I hope not. Well, what I did was go and buy a bike for almost US $20K. Can there be a more dumb person than me. I know that this alone does not look so dumb, that is buying a bike. But combine that fact with other facts like I am student and I have a car that is financed. Well, now you can claim that I am on my internship and that paying off that amount should not be a problem - well, I would hardly say you are wrong. But then the situation drastically changes when another fact is added to the already existing ones - that is I will be going back to school for another 6 months and I will most likely have no financial aid. Which basically means I will need to pay the tution in full and also pay for my living expenses along with the car, bike, their insurances and also anything else that might come up - now I guess you will be nodding your head in agreement with me. Also, I guess the foremost question in your head at this point will be why did you do this when you were aware of all this?

Hmmm ... that will be hard to answer. I was checking out the prices for the bike and fell prey to the sales man ... not his fault - entirely mine to have been so foolish. I will now cherish this experience for the rest of my life, one that will not be forgotten so easily. I dont think I will ever be in a hurry to sign any documents now :D. Anyways, now that I am stuck with the bike I will enjoy it to the full. I ordered a jacket, helmet and gloves. Bought the security system for my bike and a device called lowjack ... have to get them installed. After getting my license, will take the bike out for a spin as well as install all these safety devices. All I am thinking is this happened for a reason and I happen to be a firm believer of all that happens happens for my own good. I guess this is a lesson that will help me a lot when I start my own company. Anyways good luck to me and my bike.

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