Saturday, December 09, 2006

What happened after the last post was half way through ...

Well, lots of things happened after the last post! For starters, I fell sick (caught something called Cold sores or in medical terms, known as Oral Herpes) and I had to stay at home since I was not in a position to do anything other than put up with the pain. To top it off, it was a contagious disease and I could not goto the office the next week, after the worst was over. So on the whole, life for that two weeks was the boring part in San Diego. Now looking back the previous post seems to a pun on me!!

Then I changed projects and the usual stupid stuff happened when you change projects - the old project guys dont want you to leave since they can not find someone to replace you and the new project guys except you to work in their project full time. It was a time of great mess and everything got topsy turvy!! Now that I have successfully got past that stage, the current project seems enough to kill me. I dont know how I will get past the next few months.

Inspite of all this, I cleared the Basic Rider course so that I can get a motorcycle license now. All I need to do now is clear the written test and voila - I will hold a permit for riding a motorcycle. Then I managed to lose my chocolate (for those wondering what it is, it my new cell phone). I was off the network for more than a week - so I got an old cell from a friend since the ones I liked are too pricey for me - not that I dont want to buy them, but am scared I might lose them again :D). Singing off now ... will be back. Lots to scribble ... :D

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